Advanced Training
Made Simple
by Frank Price
for the Amateur Trainer and Handler by an Amateur Trainer and Handler
Build a World Class Retriever to compete at the highest levels of Field Trials and Hunt Tests.
... and yes, these dogs will hunt!

Introduction to Advanced Training Made Simple

GRHRCH Bayou Magic's Tough as a Boot QA2 (Open Win and National Derby List) posing with his loot after his flawless journey - Zero Failures - to his GRHRCH title at 2 years old.

Let me show you how I went from a field trial flop to training and handling:
Field Champions (FC)
Amateur Field Champions (AFC)
Grand Hunting Retriever Champion (GRHRCH)
2021 Purina High Point Derby Dog
Master Hunter (MH) and
Placed multiple dogs on the National Derby List
Please enter your name and email to see full FREE SAMPLE VIDEOS.
No Obiligation!

Field Trial

Hunt Test

Gun Dogs
How does Advanced Training Made Simple help me?
- The ATMS Water Basics for Life Program will transform your dogs water work. I challenge anyone to find a better water foundation program.
- The ATMS Responsive Handling Program will give your dog the skills required to run the toughest blinds your venue offers.
- ATMS will show you in detail how to teach Essential Skills every dog must master to be successful.
- ATMS will help you learn to read your dog. This is critical in determining weaknesses and remedies.
- ATMS will break down marking and blind concepts so you can teach your dog - not test your dog during training.
- And that's far from all. We are building a robust Forum that will connect member to member and help you get through the rough spots as you move forward through the training program.
JOIN the ATMS FORUM and look for fun CHALLENGES that will push you and your dog to improve.
Podcasts coming soon.
We're just getting started. Join us today!
What are others saying?
Christopher Hockett
I recently subscribed to your video series. I got my first retriever in 1977 when I was 14 years old. Since then I've read a considerable number training books and purchased way too many videos from guys selling me their secret training sauce. I found most of those training experts to be too quick to force compliance with a collar or hit their dogs to achieve an outcome. I've never found the logic in that approach.
Notwithstanding my past regrets, I love to learn so I subscribed to your service (on a whim after seeing the ad on hunt secretary). Dang, what a surprise, I thinks it's the best training series I've ever watched! Your approach is methodological, effective and relies on teaching - not forcing the dog into submissive compliance. Thus, I just wanted to tell you at ATMS that I really value your simple, procedural approach to training retrievers. Yes, I'm a nobody in the dog world. But, for what it is worth, I think you deserve a "great job, atta boy."
Glen Scarborough
Watched your videos! They were outstanding! Love love love the drone footage! Congrats.
Wayne Foster
Thank you for sharing!!! You always make training look so easy, your videos are very informational and professionally done.
Dan Zamanski
Thanks Frank Price! Appreciate you sharing all your expertise!